
Installing the firmware

ratgdo32 & ratgdo32 disco

If you ordered your ratgdo32 board after January 1st, 2025 then it will have a flashing blue light when powered on. This flashing blue light indicates that the board can be setup wirelessly with Bluetooth or WiFi. Setup involves two basic steps: configuring the WiFi and uploading the correct firmware for your garage door opener.

Configuring WiFi can be done via a web browser in ratgdo's web UI or by Home Assistant over Bluetooth. Once connected to WiFi, you can then upload the firmware needed to control your garage door opener.

If your ratgdo does not have a flashing blue light, you have to proceed with the Installation with Web Serial instructions below.

Connect to WiFi via device Hot Spot

Confirm that your ratgdo has a flashing blue light when plugged into a power source.

  1. From a computer or mobile device, join the WiFi hotspot being broadcast by ratgdo
  2. From a browser window, navigate to http://ratgdo.local
  3. From the ratgdo web UI, enter your WiFi network credentials and click Save. ratgdo's flashing blue light will turn off once it successfully connects to the network.
  4. Switch back to your WiFi network. Reload the http://ratgdo.local web page.
  5. Upload firmware.

Connect to WiFi via Home Assistant over Bluetooth

Confirm that you have a recent version of Home Assistant and the Companion mobile app and your ratgdo has a flashing blue light when powered on
Docker users: Home Assistant must be in "network_mode: host" for the adoption process to work because it requires mdns.

  1. Plug your ratgdo into a power source.
  2. Open the Home Assistant app on your mobile device.
  3. Go to Settings -> Devices & services:
    1. At the top you will see a Discovered section with your ratgdo listed.
    2. Tap Add and enter your WiFi credentials. Tap Connect.
    3. ratgdo's blue LED will flash rapidly for a moment and then turn off once a successful connection to your WiFi is established. Tap Continue.
    4. Tap OK when prompted to setup EPSHome.
    5. Tap ratgdo32 then submit. Choose an Area and tap Finish.
    6. Upload firmware.

Install firmware over the air

Once ratgdo is connected to your WiFi, the blue light will turn off. Now you need to upload the correct firmware for your garage door opener. 

  1. Visit the ratgdo ESPHome firmware selector page. Choose your garage door opener's control protocol and the version of ratgdo that you have. Click Download OTA Firmware.
  2. Open the web UI for ratgdo http://ratgdo.local.
  3. Click Choose File and upload the firmware file downloaded in Step 1. Click the Update button.
  4. After a minute, you will see an "Update Successful!" message.
  5. In ratgdo's web UI (and in Home Assistant) you will now see all of the ratgdo entities and controls for your garage door opener.

    Installation with Web Serial

    1. You must use Google Chrome or a Chromium based browser. No other browsers support serial device communication at this time.
    2. Connect ratgdo directly to your Mac or PC with a USBC cable. Modern versions of Windows and macOS include the necessary drivers to connect to ratgdo32's CH9102 USB to UART chip.
      • Do not connect through a USB Hub or Monitor
      • Do not install the standalone CH9102 drivers if your operating system provides native drivers. This will create a driver conflict and will prevent you from being able to connect to the ratgdo32 board.
      • in macOS, ratgdo will display under the USB tree System
      • in Windows, ratgdo will display under the Device Manager as a COM port:
    3. Visit the ESP Home or HomeKit firmware installation page to install the firmware.
    4. After installing the firmware, you will be prompted to join your wifi after which you will be able to "visit the device" which will open the ESP Home WebUI.

    Additional configuration for ratgdo32 disco

    1. To enable the buzzer, configure the Closing Delay to a time greater than 0 seconds. The buzzer will sound before the door is closed by ratgdo.
    2. To enable the vehicle detection sensor, configure the Vehicle distance target to be greater than 0. A proper Vehicle distance target should be approximately 200mm greater than the Vehicle distance actual when the car is parked under the sensor (see mounting).

    ratgdo v2.53i

    1. You must use Google Chrome or a Chromium based browser. No other browsers support serial device communication at this time.
    2. Connect ratgdo directly to your Mac or PC with a USB micro data cable (Additional USB to UART drivers may be required, Do not use a USB hub or Monitor). ratgdo v2.5x requires the CH340 USB to UART driver.
    3. Choose the version you wish to install, and connect to your WiFi: